It is the distance around Lake Tahoe, the crown jewel of the Sierra Nevada mountains. Known for its crystal clear, blue water, Tahoe lies 6,225’ above sea level.
Create a spirit’s brand that the consumer is passionate about, through dedication to environmental improvements that foster a sustainable future in the communities we do business.
72 Mile Spirits was born high in the Sierra Nevada mountains and deep in the crystal-clear waters of Lake Tahoe.
Famous for its purity and clarity, Lake Tahoe is the source of water and the secret to our great line of spirits.
Our mash starts in 150-gallon batches. We add grains and cook. We transfer the mash to a fermentation tank and pitch yeast, allowing time for the small batch mash to ferment.
For each fermentation we distill 150 gallons at a time by transferring the fermented mash to the pot, where heat is applied. The alcohol vaporizes before the water and is collected in the columns of the still. True small batch spirits!
We age our whiskeys in new American Oak barrels. Our Desolation Rye is aged in barrel a minimum of one year, while our Cascade Bourbon ages in barrel a minimum of three years.
Our Cascade Bourbon is a blend of our corn heavy Bourbon and our Desolation Rye. Each is proofed with Tahoe water from barrel strength to 88 proof, then blended.
Our spirits are non-chill filtered and proofed with the best water on the planet, straight from Lake Tahoe. Each bottle is hand numbered and delivered for your enjoyment.